Entries by Noreen Smith


BELT  VS  MIX (*To understand the following explanations about Belt and Mix Voice, I would recommend reading my blog explaining “Chest Voice and Head Voice”.) Whichever style of music you sing, you may have experienced a sensation in your voice where you felt you had to push your “chest” voice (the voice you use to […]

Chest Voice and Head Voice

CHEST VOICE AND HEAD VOICE Two of the most commonly used term in singing circles are “Chest Voice” and “Head Voice”. If you aren’t exactly sure what that means, here’s an explanation. First we should address some basics. If you’ve ever seen a picture of the vocal folds in action you’ll see that they are […]

The Connected Voice Blog!

Noreen will be posting a regular blog covering all of your favorite singing topics.  You can sign up to receive updates of new posts as soon as they are available and share these articles with your friends and fellow singers!