The Connected Voice

Hello, my name is Noreen Smith and I am a Certified Level 4 Speech Level Singing Instructor in Thousand Oaks, CA and a  worship leader at our local Conejo Church. If you are interested in becoming empowered to sing to your full potential then I would like to introduce you to the coveted vocal technique birthed by the legendary Seth Riggs, voice teacher to the stars. You can learn to sing comfortably throughout your entire vocal range, with consistent power and tone – without straining or causing damage to your voice. I will show you how to navigate your “bridges”, expand your range and filter out bad habits while unfolding your own unique voice and style, no matter what your musical genre, age or experience. This is the same technique endorsed by American Idol, the Liverpool Institure of Performing Arts, and a growing number of Universities and Colleges worldwide.

I would like to offer you a FREE 30 MINUTE ONLINE INTRODUCTORY LESSON over Skype or iChat. I have a limited number of free introductory lesson slots available each week so book yours now and start your journey to unfolding your healthy, balanced voice.

I offer online scheduling using BookFresh

The Connected Voice Vocal Studio coaches singers, from garage bands to pop stars, opera to musical theatre, to tap into their full potential as vocalists. Learn proven healthy vocal practices that will correct present vocal problems and develop a healthy voice for the future. These techniques will greatly improve your vocal tone, volume, stamina and control.